1. Why do I need a parasite Cleanse? Doesn't everyone have parasites?
  • We hear this question all the time. This cleanse is not just about parasites...it's about being the clearest version of YOU possible. And if you have chemicals, inorganic compounds, pesticides, heavy metals, AND parasites in your body...these impurities are running your life for you!
  1. I think I am infested. My digestion is off, my emotions are unstable, my energy levels are inconsistent. Will this cleanse help?
  • Often this is a sign of impaired gut health and parasites are simply a symptom of longstanding gut imbalances. This is a COMPLETE cleanse - it works the mind (gut/processing/information center), the body (your vehicle), and Soul (your light/lightness/energy). Although, results may vary depending on your state of being at the start of the cleanse.
  1. Why 6-Weeks? Can't I just drink tea for 7 days and kill the parasites?
  • The 6-Weeks is done in accordance with the moon cycles so that we are killing existing parasites and those that have yet to hatch. A week is simply not enough to FULLY kill AND extract the toxins. To heal, it requires patience and time.
  1. Can I eat what I normally eat or will I starve myself for 6 weeks?
  • A parasite cleanse in no way is a FAST or DIET. It is a process of elimination and regulation. Eliminating dependency, eliminating parasites and the toxins they leave behind, eliminating and regulating emotions and negative self-thought. NOTE: Unless you want parasites as pets inside your body, you will be asked to STOP feeding them: Sugar, Dairy, Wheat, Meat, Alcohol, Fish, Soy, Packaged/processed foods, etc. See "Foods to Avoid" within the cleanse.
  1. I have done cleanses in the past and I can NEVER seem to finish them.
  • Parasites can directly influence our decision making and make us feel as though we CAN'T MOVE FORWARD. They challenge our habits, our daily routine and our will power. We encourage all to NEVER DO THIS ALONE! Find support or Sign up for our Guided Group Cleansing!
  1. Why is this Guided? Can I just buy the herbs from you and go for it?
  • Most certainly, the herb packages are available for purchase if you would like to SELF-GUIDE your cleanse. BUT, don't underestimate this cleanse or your ability to STOP in the middle of it. It happens all the time. When you cleanse in a group, you can share your experiences with others and this helps us each STAY IN IT!
  1. What is included with my Parasite cleansing package?
  • 1. Detox Box - The box of herbs and supplements to complete your 6-week cleanse. See content list on pg. 5. 
  • 2. Detox Bible (PDF) - This is the master document (PDF) which will guide you through the 6-week process. Please consider printing the material for ease of use.
  • 3. Food Reference Guide (PDF) - This details the "Foods to Eat" and "Foods to Avoid". It also includes the Week 6 "Detox and Regeneration" food list for organ detoxification. 
  • 4. Detox Recipe Guide (PDF) - This details the herbal recipes you will use to make the teas, brews, and concoctions needed for your cleanse. 
  • 5. Food Recipe Guide (PDF) - This details the breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes to use during the 6 weeks. These are highly recommended and may assist those with busy schedules. 
  • 6. Journal Guide (PDF) - This is a guide to help you reflect on your daily progress and processes. Each day will be different and the energetic shifts can often go unacknowledged. Documentation is key!
  1. Are there other products that I may need during this cleanse? Or is EVERYTHING included?
  • While we've done our best to include the essentials to make it through this 6-week journey and WIN, we acknowledge that each person's body is different. We highly recommend YOU add the following to your diet to keep your Gut biome and energy levels high:
  • *Probiotics/Prebiotics, Digestive Enzymes, *Adaptogen Tincture, *Mushroom Extracts, Magnesium, &/or Neem Oil/Extract.
  • *Indicates an item that can be purchased through getLIGHT. Prices are subject to change and products are based on availability.

  1. What if I run out of supplements during the cleanse?
  • Supplements are there to enhance the 6-Week Cleanse. They are NOT meant to last the entire 6-weeks but to use on an as-needed basis. You may have to purchase additional portions based on your usage. Feel free to check in with us to see if we have additional supply.
  1. What if I run out of the cleansing herbs during the cleanse?
  • Each product has been measured, weighed and packaged according to the exact amount you will need for the cleanse plus a little extra. Because many items are self-served by you, there is the possibility that you may mis-measure or over-use....we are Human. Because the amount used creates a cumulative effect, running out of an herb before the week is over is a non-issue, as you would have taken the dosage required.
  1. What if I have questions during the cleanse?
  • You will be given a guide which walks you through each week and sometimes the days of the cleanse. There are food recipes, instructions for the teas and herbs, and a Q&A section. If you have joined the Coaching program, you have full access to me and the Group at least once per week. There may also be a guest speaker on one of the group calls to bring specific information about detoxing and cleansing.
  1. What about the price of the herbs? Will this change?
  • Because we source most of our herbs from local growers, we hope to keep the kit affordable for most people. Should the price of certain supplements increase, we feel the kit will still be financially accessible by most people. For financial support, contact us.
  1. What are the typical responses, reactions and outcomes of this cleanse?
  • Notice: We cannot guarantee any results as a part of this cleanse. Our clients have reported better clarity of mind, better digestion, major alignments and shifts in their reality, physical moves and transitions to new places and spaces and locations, the ending of relationships, shifting habits, better food choices.... Results may vary from person to person but intention is EVERYTHING. Bring your intention, cleanse the temple and watch how you UNFOLD.