2025 Costa Rica Retreats

We specialize in creating some of the most epic, eventful Private Retreats here in the mountains of Costa Rica.

Many of our clients have achieved success in many areas of their lives...yet their physical and mental health often come last.

If this is you or someone you know, we get it! We are here to help you prioritize your mental, physical, and/or spiritual wellbeing.

Here are 3 simple ways we support our retreat clients:

  • getLIGHT provides a systematic approach towards detoxification for optimum health, wholeness and well being.
  • getLIGHT surrounds clients with an aligned team of practitioners that fit the individuals goals and desired outcomes.
  • getLIGHT understands that environment is EVERYTHING. Costa Rica is not only our home base but it's the number one spot for personal transformation.

Before you show up, we'd like to get to know you, your intentions, and your desired outcomes. Do any of the following:

  1. Book a connection call here.
  2. Fill out our short Retreat Questionnaire here.
  3. Join our email list to get up-to-date retreat information here.
Book a Call